14 Amazing facts about France You probably never know

Here are some Awesome facts about french people and france

1. France is the most popular country in world of tourism with 84 million tourists in 2014


2. France has controlled over 8% of the World's land (the second largest colonial empire)


3. Louis XIX became the king of france, reigning only 15 - 20 minutes. He became the king following the abduction of his father. Within 15 to 20 minutes he had abducted to Henry V


4. In France, 10 million baguettes are baked every year, with a law in place stating that a traditional french baguette only contains flour, yeast and salt.


5. Eiffel tower was built in the year 1889 by Gustave Eiffel for a fair. French Govt wanted to tear down the tower after fair, but its popularity made them not to do so.


6. The guillotine was last used in 1977 


7.France is called as "City of Lights" as it has nearly 296 illuminated sites that consists of hotels, fountains, churches, national building and bridges etc.,


8.The word "Salut" means both "hello" and "goodbye"


9. French had an early version of the internet called minitel, where as long as 1984, they can pay bills and shop at home using mintel.


10. Mont-Blanc is the highest peak in Europe (4,810 meters)


11. France has won the most nobel prizes for literature than any other in the wolrd, and second most in the mathematics.


12. The Eiffel Tower is painted every 7 years


13. French toast and french fries are not french inventions


14. The croissant was actually invented by Austrians.



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